Tuesday, December 19, 2006

2007 and revival!

“The force of The Salvation Army is ‘not its military discipline, nor its organization or its social service, not the absolute character of its doctrine, not the abilities of its super­ior officers, not the eloquence of its apologists, nor the skill of its ad­vertising - it is a joyful acceptance of a life in poverty, giving all to the benefit of the lost’.” (Blanche Peyron)

“That deliver­ance from every thought of self ­interest and from every particle of fear as to what men can do, which fits people to pass through dark and hard periods unmoved and un-scared, is for everyone who will seek it.” (George Scott Railton)

I came across these two quotes upon re-reading Bernard Watson’s excellent and inspiring biography of GSR “Soldier Saint”.

I am going to take these two challenges into 2007 and urge you to do the same.

2007 is the year in which I will take up my sword as an Officer again in The Salvation Army and I am eager for the fight but only on God’s terms.

I do not believe we will never see revival until we learn the hard lessons of real Salvationist holiness… sacrifice, self crucifixion, poverty and passion for the lost!

Have a blessed Christmas an a soul winning New Year!

Yours set apart by Christ, for the lost, in the Army


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