In June 2006 I published what I called a ‘holiness manifesto’ – a series of resolutions concerning how I would live my life. The manifesto was a genuine response to spiritual conviction.
Sadly, I have fallen well short of my self imposed standards, however, as recently stated here, the conviction that created those resolutions has not gone away but intensified.
I have carefully and prayerfully reviewed my manifesto and publish the revised version here. I ask those who know me to make me accountable by challenging me if I appear to live outside of these parameters.
I believe that contemporary western Salvationists are generally guilty of Achan’s sin (Joshua 7) in that we have “taken some of the devoted things; we have stolen, we have lied, we have put them with our own possessions.” As a consequence of this we “cannot stand against our enemies; we turn our backs and run because we have been made liable to destruction.” As we seek and pray for revival I believe that God’s response is very clear to those who are willing to hear – “I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.”
Historically, holiness was the source of our phenomenal success and in the future it will be so.
Thanks to those challenges and words of encouragement that followed my last posting - thank you for your prayers and your love. Let us constantly pray for each other that God might give us the ability to see and hear him, the discernment and knowledge to decipher what he is saying and the courage to obey – Amen!
My Personal Holiness Manifesto
- Starting each day with God, I will confess my sins, thank him, intercede for others, seek his will and absorb his grace.
- I will adopt a simple diet and drink only water.
- I will not waste my words or abuse my freedom in Christ.
- I will not neglect my family.
- I will remember that rest is a command and obey it.
- I will use the minimum of natural resources.
- I will fight for social justice.
- I will shop ethically.
- I will hate sin but adamantly refuse to hate the sinner.
- I will review each day in prayer and record my thoughts in a journal.
These resolutions are not a legalistic attempt to win God’s favour or earn salvation but reflect a heartfelt compulsion to ensure that my lifestyle reflects my faith.
Love and prayers