Saturday, January 05, 2008

Brengle on men of fire!

I came across the following quote from Brengle's 'Ressurection, Life and Power' - I think that in 2008 I'd like to a 'man of fire'.

"Men of fire are men of faith. They believe God, and they burn because they believe. They believe God is, ‘and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him’ (Hebrews 11:6), therefore they seek him diligently day by day, and he rewards them by sweet assurances and intimations of his love and favour. They seek his face that they may behold his beauty and catch its reflection (Psalm 27: 4 & 90:17); they seek his will that they may do it (Matthew 7: 21); they listen for his voice that they may open the door of their hearts to him and entertain him as their guest (Revelation 3:20); and hearing, they follow where he leads (John 10: 3-5 & 16); and they seek his commandments, his promises and his precepts, that they may live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4: 4).

Men of fire have seasons of solitude for secret prayer. They get alone with God as Jesus did in his all – nights of prayer, as John did in the wilderness, as Moses did on Sinai, as Elijah did on Horeb and there in deep meditation and fellowship with him they see how small and transient is the world with its prizes and its pomp. They count it but refuse for Christ, that they may know him. Men of fire are men of prayer. They pray in secret and they seek out kindred spirits to pray with them.

Men of fire love God. They love his people, his house, his service. They love righteousness and holiness, and they hate sin and every evil way. They turn away their ears from that which they should not hear. They stand on guard at the gateway of eye and ear and every sense, lest sin get into their hearts through unguarded ways.

Men of fire are self sacrificing and self denying. They do not entangle themselves with the affairs of this life anymore than does the good soldier who goes forth to war. They do not mix with the men of the world except to do them good and, if possible, win them to Christ. They guard the fire in their hearts as their soul protection upon earth and their passport to heaven.

Oh my comrades, let us be burning and shining lights, and then great shall be our reward, and great shall be our peace and joy, and good success shall surely accompany all our labours, and the Saviours words, ‘well done’ shall greet us as we are welcomed through the gates of pearl to heaven, our eternal home."


Love and prayers


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