Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Publically exposed!

The internet has exposed our private thoughts and feelings more than any other innovation in the history of humanity.

People who blog or even just regularly update their 'status' on Facebook are sharing more with the world than they could have ever done even just 10 years ago. Indeed some people I am certain expose more about themselves online than they really ought to.

I've recently read three statements on a social networking site all of which purported to tell us how a particular person was feeling. How are they feeling? Suffice to say that the comments don't appear to be the sort one would expect to hear from a future Officer of the Salvation Army. You see this individual is currently being trained as an Officer Cadet in The Salvation Army.

Now I don't know them and I know nothing of their circumstances, indeed I wouldn't recognise them if they ran up and bit me on the nose. So maybe the publishing of these thoughts is justified in a way I can't possibly know.

Have I ever been in a position where I could empathise with them?

Of course I have, but shouldn't some things remain between us and God and the few close friends he has given to keep us accountable.

Maybe I'm just turning into a grumpy old man!

Love and grace, A.


g-force said...

Hi Andrew,

I hope the cadet is being led by the Holy Spirit in choosing what or what not to share. The Scripture is full of exposes of human frailty, and the amazing grace of God in calling us when we(like Moses) were full of arguments as to why we were not fit for service... so there is a sort of precedent for hidden things being brought to light, but I think that we really have to seek God's leading on how that comes about.

Two positives, though: if your unpleasant past is public no one will set you up as an idol, and no one will be able to blackmail you.

Having said that, I must also say that as a pastor/officer one has to have accountability in the context of confidentiality, and the Internet offers neither. If it were me I would first disclose to my pastor, then (as the Spirit leads) share with others- with the goal being conversion and discipleship.

Blessings and peace,


Andrew Bale said...

Hallelujah Genise I agree completely!

IanH said...

Hi Andrew - Ian Haylett here, I hope you guys are all well.

I have not seen any of the comments that you are writing about but I do think that there is a danger that spiritual leaders preach two gospels - one where we stand up and say 'everything is fine with Jesus' and one which they feel which is 'I do have a struggle going on'. I understand about having a true confidante, and maybe this posting oversteps the mark, but I would rather portray the reality of the journey thant a pretend to be living at its destination.

PS - Is it ok for an officer to sound like a grumpy old man?

Remain in Him.