Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Holiness – putting pen to paper...

I'm currently working on two projects.

The first is contemporising the text of George Scott Railton's 'Heathen England' (An eye witness account of the birth of TSA first published in 1877). I'm hoping that the amended text might be suitable for publication. It is amazing just how much of what GSR reports is relevant to today - people say that the world has changed but in truth it hasn't. A walk down Dartford High Street on Market day presents to the eye a scene that would have been recognised by GSR. Perhaps the Gin Palaces have been replaced with 'greasy spoon' cafes and amusement arcades but the place is essentially as it was 100 years ago (right down to the modern equivalent of the Pawn Shop!)

The second is a book on holiness. To say that the latter is a work in progress is an understatement. I first began to write it 15 years ago when I got saved. Since then I have chopped, changed and cut and pasted the text over and over again. Part of the delay has been caused by an uncertainty within about what holiness actually is. I've always been familiar with what Wesley, Palmer, Finney, Booth and Brengle believed it to be but it is only recently that I have fully accepted that what they taught is as true and as relevant today as it ever was.

However, we dress it up holiness is about conviction, renunciation, consecration, faith and obedience!

Today as I was about to wade into chapter 5 of 'Heathen England' I felt the spirit of God stop me in my tracks with the command that I should put Railton to one side and complete my 'work in progress'.

What we need is clear and concise teaching on holiness for (and I passionately believe this) it is a rediscovery of personal holiness that is key to revival.

So if you have any great quotes on holiness please email them to me at ajbale61@googlemail.com

Grace and peace, A


Anonymous said...

Go for it.I too believe that we need some clear teaching on this subject and that it will indeed help us to grow as an organisation and bring about the revival that is so greatly needed.May God continue to be with you in these projects. Thank you for your obedience to the conviction to work at it. Will look forward to one day reading your work. God bless.

g-force said...

Andrew my brother, you are right on time. I pray that God will open doors and shut the mouths of lions so that your work goes forward, unhindered.


rehoboth said...

How about this?

"The tragedy of scores of thousands of lives is the tragedy of half committment, the tragedy of compromise, the tragedy of reserves from Jesus Christ. The marvel is he wants us and that he can do anything with us and in us."

(Keswick Convention 1925)

Sorry can't find out who said it exactly as at the moment the book is under a pile of stuff back at the quarters which I can't access due to the builders being in.