Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Soldier rouse thee!

On Tuesday afternoon I ordered a copy of ‘Soldier Saint’ from amazingly the book arrived the following morning! Providence provided me with an unexpected opportunity to read this masterpiece in one sitting. I finished reading at 2:30am this morning.

My natural reaction on completing the book was to cry, these tears soon turned into repentance and culminated in a time of renewed commitment to the cause of Christ! Eventually I retired at about 4am but was unable to sleep. In spite of this Railton inspired insomnia I got up this morning with more energy and vigour than I have experienced in a long time!

Why have I never read this book before? Railton is my hero, he is my absolute inspiration - yet I have never read this excellent biography. I have read everything there is to read on SA history and committed anything I consider relevant to memory! I have even read the forbidden history such as F.A. Mackenzie’s ‘Clash of the Cymbals’. Yet I have never read this book?

This is essential reading for anyone who truly bears the name ‘Salvationist’!

Bernard Watson (maybe because Coutts was General) manages to get most of the hitherto indigestible truth in about the clash between the Booths and Railton but understandably doesn’t come down on any one side of the argument.

In summary, Watson says.

William never really (in his heart) disagreed with Railton but increasingly allowed Bramwell to determine the direction of the Army. Bramwell never stopped loving Railton but did what he felt was necessary to ensure the worldwide development of the Army. Railton did what God told him to do regardless of what anyone else thought! Watson leaves the reader to make up his own mind and to take sides if they wish.

As one would expect – I took sides! Railton was right, absolutely right and had Catherine lived as long as William it would have been Railton’s line that was taken and not Bramwell’s.

The proof of the pudding is seen in our current decline and in the tragic and rather disappointing end of Bramwell. When one considers how sycophantic, obsequious and unaccountably autocratic the Army was in 1926 the fact that Bramwell was actually deposed says an enormous amount about how desperate things must have become!

The truth is that the poison (slow working though it was) took hold as early as the 1890’s and the only one who could see it was Railton (maybe a few others would have seen it had it not been for their blind and understandable loyalty to the Founder).

I do not doubt that Bramwell was anything but a conscientious and sincere custodian. His efforts have entrusted us with what is (in the west) a largely humanitarian and vaguely evangelical organisation. If we wish to fulfil Railton’s (and in my opinion God’s) unfinished business and (in Railton’s words) ‘remake’ The Salvation Army it will require the following absolute non negotiable essentials. We must:

Entirely sanctify ourselves to God (without any reservation whatsoever!)

Renounce the world, the flesh and the devil and set ourselves apart (not from those we week to save but from their distractions)

Embrace poverty and be prepared to live by faith alone if necessary (not only individually but corporately too!)

Quantify our practical actions (however ingrained they have
become) by their evangelical success rather than their PR value

This will be no easy road but it is the only road down which any future Salvation Army will be permitted to march!

Love and prayers Andrew!


peter said...

I read that book some time ago and really thought it was a powerful book. Glad you found it so powerful.


Dave C said...

Thanks for your reccomendation. I just ordered it off of amazon...should arrive tomorrow.

In His Grip,

Matt Clifton said...

Amen, and we must repent, pray and fast, following examples of such as Daniel, Nehemiah and Ezra.

Did you know Soldier Saint is in Trailblazers, so it's available from SP&S!