Thursday, January 25, 2007

Isaiah 58 to 61 more prophecy for TSA

In a comment on my last blog entry Aaron White responded:

"Isaiah 58 is said to be our founding charter. It might be an appropriate re-founding charter (lots of "If...then's"). I try and pray Isaiah 58 over our local expression and the larger Army everyday, believing there is a remnant of hope."

There are no verses more heavily underscored in my NIV study bible than chapters 58-61 of Isaiah. There is no room in the margins for any further handwritten comment (even though I use a drawing pen with a 0.5mm nib!)

At UK Roots last year I became convinced more than ever that these 4 chapters are central to global revival (led by God's Army - The Salvation Army - this is not denominational pride - if I could find a denomination that had a better chance of starting global revival I'd go and join it!)

These chapters make the following points which are peculiarly relevant to TSA.

Good works is the result of proper biblical faith (not the other way round!).

Loving the unloved doesn’t make me a Christian but being a proper Christian certainly makes me love the unlovable.

Proper prayer and fasting will always be hallmarked by a practical interest in social justice – holy people oppose social evil and support its victims. For example – drinking alcohol and gambling are both social evils which enslave the poor – proper holiness aggressively attacks social evils like these whilst at the same time treating its victims. Like Jesus TSA exists to ‘destroy the works of the devil’ (Isaiah 58:6-7)

Our resources must come from God and not from the state or over controlling benefactors – certainly not from downright evil sources like freemasonry. We should not always be looking to the public to fund our work – ‘God’s work done God’s way never lacks God’s resources’. This applies to physical strength and spiritual direction as much as it applies to money. (Isaiah 58:11)

Revival will include a return to basics, although God is about to do a ‘new thing’ in our midst it will not be that different in sentiment from what he has repeatedly done in the past. As a ‘wineskin’ the Salvation Army still has room to expand it doesn’t need replacing it just needs using properly. This will not mean a return to old ways but it will mean a return to old thinking – it is the sentiment and spirit of the past that we need to rediscover not necessarily the methods – however a return to open-air and other forms of pro-active evangelism will be included. (Isaiah 58:12)

Our witness must be visible as well as verbal – lifestyle will increasingly become a key issue – simplistic living (even where possible the voluntary embracing of poverty) will be integral as will personal integrity and ‘not conforming to the standards’ and values ‘of this world’. (Isaiah 58:13)

Isaiah 59 makes it quite clear that repentance, humility and real faith are essential pre-cursors to global revival. A lack of trust (verse 15), a lack of justice (verse 14) and a lack of aggressive intervention on behalf of the poor and marginalised (verse 16) are issues we need to address in this area. However if we are faithful then the revival will start among those who serve in the western territories (verse 19) but only if we repent (verse 20).

Chapter 60 shows us the revival we are being invited to be a part of will be unequalled in church history and will impact upon nominal Christians, unbelievers and disciples of other faiths – indeed converts from other faiths will become significant players (verse 10). This revival will convert important world leaders and heads of state (verse 16) and the Salvation Army will be in the vanguard. This revival will include a return to proper Arminian doctrine (justification through faith, dependence on God, the possibility of backsliding and purity, a belief in heaven and hell etc.) Central will be the rediscovery in practice of ‘Christian perfection’ (holiness). Holiness will become the norm and not only the experience of a few hardcore devotees (verse 21).

Revival (if we meet the conditions) will happen soon and be all inclusive (verse 22)

Isaiah 61 (especially verses 1-4) remind TSA that our mandate is the same as that which Christ adopted for himself. Our parish is the world (Wesley) our cathedral is the open air (Railton) and our target remains the un-churched (Booth).

The rest of chapter 61 speaks for itself.

Let’s get on our knees, let the remnant start repenting, let’s put our armour on and get on with it.

“Through the world resounding, Let the Gospel soundingSummon all at Jesus' call, His glorious cross surrounding, Sons of God, earth's trifles leaving,be not faithless, but believing;To your conquering Captain cleaving, Forward to the fight!”

Yours set apart by Christ for the lost, in the Army.



olivia. said...

remnant-- C'MON!
yes. my spirit says, "yes."
this resonates with me.
it is what the Spirit is saying to His church these days.
you hear His voice.s

Captain Andrew Clark said...

God's work done in God's ways will never lack God's supply


Anonymous said...

Sorry about being Anon - I don't have a blogger or anything.

I just have one question: As much as I love the idea of revival where does this prophecy fit in with End Times? I firmly believe that we are living in the last days, and the Bible talks about how the Church will be asleep and the people of the world will be flocking to places where people tell them what they want to hear. True, I'm hardly a Bible scholar, but I don't remember anything in Revelation about a huge revival where even the world leaders become converts. If anything, it seems like things would have to go in the opposite direction in order for the Anti-christ to be so well received.

Just curious about your take on this.

Andrew Bale said...

Anon - go back to Revelation (chapters 2 and 3) and read the letters to the 7 churches - God's work in us is not yet complete, he has set before us an opn door that no man can shut - there is much for us to do before Christ returns.

'Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!'

Love and prayers


Anonymous said...

Anon, good question - if you can get hold of Arthur Wallis 'In The Day of Thy Power' he deals with your question head-on.