Thursday, June 12, 2008

Prince Caspian

Prince Caspian is one of my favourite books in The Chronicles of Narnia.

I like it because it is about apostasy and revival!
In the story, the Pevensie Kids, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are transported from a country railway station to an island in Narnia. It is 1000 years since they were last there, talking beasts are just myths, Aslan is almost forgotten and the castle where they reigned when last in Narnia (Cair Paravel) is in ruins. The real heir to the Narnian Throne Prince Caspian is at risk from his wicked Uncle King Miraz, a tyrant who murdered Caspian's father.

What I love about this story is that no one believes in the old days anymore, the old magic and the old ways are rejected and almost forgotten. But there is a remnant, a band of ‘primitive Narnians’ Glenstorm the Centaur, Trufflehunter (a loyal badger) and Reepicheep (a wonderful almost Railtonian mouse!) who help the true King reclaim his throne.

The story is such a good metaphor for the church of today - in an early battle, the Narnians make strategic mistakes, many animals die, and they are forced to retreat…. But of course later on Aslan appears and renews the land. He calls forth the dryads (tree spirits) to dance again; he awakens the river god, who then destroys a massive man-made wooden bridge over the Fjords of Beruna.

It’s released in the UK from June 27th and there are some great suggestions as to how the film can be used to generate opportunities for mission here (Thanks to Matt C for pointing this out!)

Revival comes when the remnant starts believing and obeying, hallelujah – let’s do it!

Love and prayers



Anonymous said...

This morning in our Meeting we sang the song "My life must be Christ's broken bread" and when we came to the line "Beyond the brook His winepress stands" my thoughts went to you because this is where your blog title is derived. So from the other side of the world you were thought of and prayed for because of the association of words. God bless you

Andrew Bale said...

Dear Anonymous

Whoever you are?thank you so much for your prayers - you have no idea how much they meant to me.

Much love and prayers