Sunday, November 09, 2008

I miss my time with you...

Tracey (my wife) is one of the most sensible people I know. She doesn't just possess common sense but she possesses a kind of 'spiritual' common sense.

Recently she's been talking a lot about Sabbath rest – not a puritanical, legalistic attitude towards Sunday – but a belief that God created us with an inbuilt need to rest. Not just an extra hour in bed – but quality time set aside just to sit at the feet of Jesus, waiting for him to speak.

I agree with her completely in theory but when it comes to the practice... I must admit that I don't really know how to rest. I am very much a Martha and not very often a Mary.

The following song keeps on cropping up in my head:

"There he was just waiting, in our old familiar place
An empty spot beside him, where once I used to wait
To be filled with strength and wisdom for the battles of the day
I would have passed him by again if I didn't hear him say...

I miss my time with you those moments together
I need to be with you each day and it hurts me when you say you're too busy
Busy trying to serve me but how can you serve me when your spirit's empty
There's a longing in my heart wanting more than just a part of you it's true
I miss my time with you

What do i have to offer how can I truly care my efforts have no meaning
When your presence isn't there but you will provide the power
If I take time to pray I'll stay right here beside him and you will never have to say...

I miss my time with you those moments together
I need to be with you each day and it hurts me when you say you're too busy
Busy trying to serve me but how can you serve me when your spirit's empty
There's a longing in my heart wanting more than just a part of you it's true
I miss my time with you

Enough said!

Love and prayers A


Anonymous said...

I often put the CD on which has these words and they never cease to touch me as I realise that this is what God is saying to me. I too am on my journey of faith and try as I might there are those times when I don't always sit at His feet for as long or as often as I might. It is too easy for me to say my piece to God and then not wait for what He has to say to me. Life can be so busy but unless we give Him the time He requires our grownth in Him is stunted. Thanks for the reminder. God Bless

g-force said...

My husband often says we're so busy doing the work of the Lord that we forget the Lord of the work.

I'm blessed to be able to spend a few hours each week at my church's prayer room just waiting on God, but still feel convicted to drop some things (like those hours and hours of choir rehearsal) and devote even more time to Him.

God forgive us for continually punching the clock with Him, as if He has to accomodate our schedule. Thank God for His grace and patience...

Genise, USA

Captain Andrew Clark said...

I've been revisiting 'the sabbath' too. We often have a very negative attitude to it, but if anything, Jesus was emphasising that this is for our blessing and benefit. When we approach it through grace, it can be a time of blessing.