2009 saw some great highs for Dartford. In February, Lee (a street homeless alcoholic) walked into our hall and a month later got gloriously saved and hasn't drunk alcohol since. On Christmas Day, Tracey and I had independent text messages from him thanking us for giving him his life back. Of course God is the engineer behind conversion and we are merely tools in his hands but if we hadn't been here there is a possibility that Lee might not have got saved. Later in the year a young lady who was recently relocated to Dartford under the 'witness protection scheme' and also a victim of domestic violence was led to Christ by Tracey. This year has also seen a family of four (asylum seekers from Sri-Lanka) become a real part of our Corps family – to such a degree they have recently invited friends of theirs (a family of 4 from India) to join our fellowship. Imagine our delight when all 8 of them turned up at our watch-night service and despite obvious language barriers engaged fully with the games and worship. In 2009 we also farewelled Xander to College – Xander was a great hep and encouragement to us during his time here and I hope he feels that Dartford made a positive contribution to his ongoing Officer training. In November we saw an old soldier (85 years old) who hasn't worn uniform for many, many years don the blue surge and silver s's again - Hallelujah! On January 17th a man who was once the Corps Secretary at Dartford but relinquished his soldiership some time ago will enrolled as a Soldier again. In addition we have seen our people grow and domestic situations improve as a consequence of an ongoing pastoral programme.
In the 2 ½ years we have been privileged to be at Dartford God has blessed us greatly and fulfilled his promise to 'do more than we could ask for or even imagine'.
Yet at the same time there have been occasional troughs – fortunately God has given me a personality that is largely immune to depression – but there have been moments of doubt and sometimes even downright rebellion on my part. Yet all in all it has been a very positive experience and our time here will remain a memory when we do eventually move on.
Ideally we would have liked to stay here another couple of years but the complex medical needs of our youngest daughter make this year a sensible time to relocate (she starts Senior School in September).
So back to that encouragement to 'finish strong'... We have 6 months left at Dartford and my motivation remains the same as it was 2 ½ years ago – I am a sinner saved by grace and the knowledge of my unmerited salvation compels me to put all I have into those 6 months. If the the 'call of holiness' makes us anything other than consistent then we are not giving the right answer.
This year I'm starting an MA in theology (at the Army's request) but I am determined that this study should enhance and not diminish my service as a Corps Officer. On Monday I am doing 'Jury Service' which will necessitate at least 2 weeks away from the front (although I am sure that God will use me during this time as a witness to my fellow jurors) then it is back to the battle.
In April Tracey and I have our appraisals and it will be interesting to see if the folk at Dartford consider our 'finish' to be 'strong' I am confident that they will because at the end of the day although we serve them our master is Christ!
This Sunday (weather permitting) is 'Commitment Sunday' in the UK and as always I will be renewing my Officer's covenant as I encourage my folk to reconsider their Soldier's covenant.
The temptation at the end of an appointment to give in to complacency and to become a bit 'demob happy' is very real but praise God we are called, commissioned and empowered by Christ and in his strength we overcome the world.
So as we begin, not quite the last, but maybe one of the closing chapters in this part of our story I will cling to the words of Hebrews 12:1-3
" 1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Grace and peace, A
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