Thursday, February 23, 2006

Message in a bottle - Frustration! Frustration! Frustration!

I want to blog, I want to fast and pray, I want to finish my book on holiness, I want to link up with other warriors and sharpen swords. I want to go and find Luke and give him more than just food - I want to have the time to talk properly to him about Jesus and lead him into Salvation. I want to establish a ministry among his druggie friends. I want, I want, I want!

Instead I must settle down and write to the London Community Recycling Network about a centralised composting initiative in Bromley!!!

I feel like Paul, I am a prisoner in chains.

Today’s Blog is simply a message in a bottle! If you find this note then please pray for me. Pray that I am given patience, pray that I am given the grace to maintain a holy life and outlook during the last few months of my sentence.

This time next year I could be free!

I wan to leave local government in such a way that I am missed, missed for my effort, missed for my resourcefulness, missed for my abilities but most of all missed for the fresh air and positive atmosphere (holiness) that I brought to the office.

It has been many years since my sin forced me from the ranks and at last the day of my release beckons. I believe that this last few months will be the hardest of all. Please pray for me.

I feel like a little boy who got up early and packed for his school trip, all eager and excited, only to run around the corner at school to see the coach disappearing into the distance.

Dear God please don’t let my past sin mean that I miss the bus! Amen.


Naomi said...

Yup - I can relate to you there, brother. Praying for you - for patience or whatever it is God thinks you need.

Rehoboth said...


It goes without saying that I'll pray.

I'm praying that God will open your eyes to see all kinds of opportunities to bring transformation to the lives of those you work with.

Alan and I had to beg for permission to pray in our County hall buildings once a month, you are in local government offices every day!
How about lunch time prayer walks, imagining your colleagues with the Holy Spirit resting on them like tongues of fire as they work, or praying the prayer of Jabez?

Paul's prison sentence wasn't exactly a waste of time? I think he wrote a few letters!

As for the last line of your blog. Don't be ridiculous! God will use your past failure and present victory to drive the bus and expand the fleet.


Auntie Carol

How about lunch time prayer walks,

Captain Andrew Clark said...

Praying that in spite of chains you'll be faithful to the proclamation of the full gospel until that day when you're freed!

Storming heaven forcefully for ya!

Andrew C

bec said...

Hmmm, reading all this, this came to mind:

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Pray also for us that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclain the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Col. 4:2-4

Praying this for you.